Face Biometrics: Safe, Fast, Covid-Free

Face Biometrics, The reliability of biometric technologies is now well established, and their use is spreading in all fields, from… Read More

2 years ago

Smart Lock: Access Control Within Reach Of a Smartphone

The technological universe of intelligent electronic locks, which exploded in the early 2000s in response to the need to provide… Read More

2 years ago

Artificial Intelligence And Cyber ​​Security: a Winning Combination

Artificial Intelligence And Cyber ​​Security is an essential issue in a sector driven by innovation governed by interconnection at all… Read More

2 years ago

Cyber ​​Security: Data Protection And Crypto Locker

Crypto Locker, Many will have heard of the threatening email: "We have blocked all your data; if you don't pay… Read More

2 years ago

How To Take Down Phishing Websites?

Phishing websites are created to steal your personal information, such as your login credentials, credit card information, etc. But there… Read More

2 years ago

10 Signs Your Phone Has Been Hacked

Hacking is a serious issue and one that many people don't take seriously enough. In a recent survey, it was… Read More

2 years ago

Why Proactive Cyber Security Awareness Is The Answer To Cyber Crime

Just as in healthcare terms, where proactive healthcare will save you both money and improve your chances of a longer… Read More

2 years ago

3 Best Practises For Secure Third Party Access

Businesses must collaborate with different business partners to grow in our interconnected world. However, the collaboration must be smooth and… Read More

2 years ago

Don’t Wait For Cyberattacks

Cyberattacks: Many managers still do not fully realize that the Internet, so helpful in their daily activities, is also a… Read More

3 years ago

Why Has This Fingerprint Recognition Chip Leader Become The Worst Chip Stock?

Great power game, independent and controllable, the rise of domestic production.Semiconductors are the focus of attention and favor of institutions… Read More

3 years ago