DIGITAL MARKETING Archives - Stuff In Post Everything About Technology Mon, 12 Feb 2024 11:41:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 DIGITAL MARKETING Archives - Stuff In Post 32 32 Essential Digital Marketing Terms Mon, 22 Jan 2024 11:26:10 +0000 You have decided that it is time for your business to make the definitive leap

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You have decided that it is time for your business to make the definitive leap into the online world. You have started researching the topic, and… you have put your hands on your head. How many Digital Marketing terms exist? TRUE?

The truth is that the field of Online Marketing, like other professions, uses specific jargon. And, although it is not necessary that you know all the terms, it is interesting that you control the meaning of certain words.

How can knowing these digital marketing terms help your company daily?

This way, it will be easier for you to understand the experts when they recommend strategies for your business, and you will avoid being caught out. Remember that knowledge is power.

To help you with this, we have created a glossary of Digital Marketing concepts that is very quick to consult, with clear and uncomplicated explanations, which will prevent you from choking on all those essential terms to design your online strategy.

We recommend that you save this article in “favourites” so that you can consult it whenever you need it. And, if you have come across any other word that you do not understand and you are interested in us explaining it to you, leave it in the comments area, and we will get to work to expand this dictionary of Digital Marketing terms.

#1 Buyer persona

It is the fictional representation of your ideal client based on your research on your market and your clients. When creating the buyer persona profile, we must do everything we can to specify their demographic data (sex, age, location, etc.), needs, desires, behaviours, etc.

Think that the more details you have, the easier it will be to communicate effectively with your ideal client. How will you give your client what he needs if you don’t know him? Understanding and empathizing with your target audience is the basis of any online strategy.

#2 Social Networks

They are online platforms that users use to contact, interact with, and share content with others who share their interests. Some of the best-known are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and YouTube.

It is an essential Digital Marketing tool in any business because it allows you to become known and attract a new audience (potential clients), maintain constant contact with the community, increase company recognition and promote brand loyalty. 

#3 Engagement

When we hear or read the term engagement, it refers to the commitment that the audience maintains to a brand. Engagement is frequently used to assess the success of a campaign on Social Networks by analyzing its reactions through comments, “I like you”, shares…

#4 Influencer

A person who has the ability to affect or influence the behaviour of other people as a result of the size of their community or their powers of persuasion. Influencers are very useful for companies that pay these people in exchange for promoting their products or services to their followers.

#5 Inbound Marketing

It is a strategy focused on attracting the attention of potential customers, even before they are ready to buy, through the creation and dissemination of useful content.

Inbound Marketing is a natural and non-invasive tactic, unlike traditional advertising that puts content (a television ad, for example) in front of the consumer’s nose even if they are not interested in that product.

The philosophy of Inbound Marketing or Attraction Marketing is based on resolving the user’s doubts through relevant information in such a way that their attention is drawn, and the consumer himself is the one who begins to keep track of the business in the digital field (following him in Social Networks, subscribing to your newsletter …). In this way, the consumer is made more predisposed to purchase.

#6 Content Marketing

It is a Digital Marketing strategy focused on creating, publishing and disseminating relevant content to attract an audience, generate potential customers and build loyalty among existing ones in a non-intrusive way.

When we talk about content, we refer to formats as varied as blog articles, podcasts, e-books, emails, infographics, case studies, videos, images, etc. It is the main strategy within Inbound Marketing.

#7 Email Marketing

Strategy based on the sending of emails by a business as a mechanism to develop relationships with its clients or potential clients and promote its products or services. It is a very direct, effective and economical communication channel that allows you to send personalized and dynamic messages to the audience.

#8 Newsletter

A newsletter that is distributed regularly to the audience (subscribers) via email. A newsletter can contain offers, sector news, recommendations, and reminders.

If you are original and use this tool well, it can be one of the most profitable resources for your company.

Draw what you want to sell in the consumer’s mind. Don’t fill the email with product or service features; describe the benefits and emphasize the pain points.


It is a person who shows interest in a business and its products or services. In other words, we can define the lead as a potential customer.

A lead can be when a potential customer fills out a contact form, makes a phone call requesting more information, or purchases on a website.

#10 Keywords

This Digital Marketing term, also known as keyword, refers to the words that users type (or dictate, thanks to voice searches) into a search engine (such as Google) when they need to find specific information. An example of a keyword would be “restaurant in Madrid” or “how to prepare a Valencian paella”.

Optimizing a website for a particular keyword involves introducing those terms throughout the website’s content and in some strategic regions of the HTML code (language used to develop web pages ).

By including keywords on the website, it is possible to signal the search engine about what they can find on that portal related to the users’ searches.

Be natural; don’t fill the content with keywords as if a robot were to read it; it has been a long time since it has worked like that.

#11 SEO

The term SEO corresponds to the acronym for Search Engine Optimization, or what is the same, optimization for search engines.

When we talk about SEO, we are referring to a series of techniques that we use to improve the positioning of a web page in the search engine rankings ( mainly Google since it is the most used both in Spain and worldwide). SEO is worked on at an organic or natural level, that is, without having to pay for advertising.

Remember that Google shows in its results links to pages that it considers relevant to the search that the user has performed. When you work on SEO, your chances of appearing in the first search results increase, and therefore, you help visitors (traffic) reach your website and become future customers of your business.

Tracking web analytics that allows you to see how web traffic evolves and through which channels the visits are arriving is essential, not only to know the number of visits but also to know where those visits arrive from.

#12 SEM

SEM ( Search Engine Marketing) or Search Engine Marketing is attracting visitors to your website (traffic) by advertising on search engines. When it is said that you do SEM, you are paying a search engine, such as Google, to show your website in its results according to specific keyword searches.

We give you an example. Imagine that you want Google to show your business website when a user searches for the following keywords: “cheap management in Madrid”. You can position yourself by working on SEO (without paying advertising to Google), which will take time, or through SEM (paying Google to show you in its ads for that keyword).

#13 Landing page

A landing page is a page on your website that is designed with a specific Marketing objective, such as selling a product or service or attracting subscribers. To do this, every landing page, also known as a landing page, must include a call to action or CTA ( call to action ) designed to provoke an immediate response from the user, telling them what they should do.

#14 Conversion

When we talk about conversion in the context of Digital Marketing, we refer to the act of transforming a user who browses a website into a customer or lead.

Through the conversion rate, we can measure the percentage of visitors who have come to a website and who have ended up carrying out the desired action that the business had set as its objective.

#15 Conversion funnel

Also known as a sales funnel, it refers to the phases that a user must go through to become a customer. These phases, broadly speaking, are attraction, conversion and loyalty.

The funnel metaphor is a way of visualizing the process by which the consumer is guided towards the goal (usually the sale) so that sales prospects fall on the way to conversion.

This means there may be many users interested in a product, but few will become customers by completing the last step or final action of the funnel.

#16 Remarketing

Remarketing or retargeting involves serving targeted ads to people who have visited a website or clicked on an ad. This tactic helps to recover visitors by showing them personalized advertising to get them to revisit the website and complete the purchase (or carry out the proposed objective).

#17 Link

A link is a link or link that allows you to jump from one web page to another when clicked on. Links help us navigate between pages on the Internet and can be attached in text and images, mainly through HTML code.

#18 Web usability

We could define this Digital Marketing term briefly as “ease of use”. Web usability measures the effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction with which a user can achieve a specific objective on a website. Web usability includes everything from the menus of a page to the buttons and forms, including links and content.

If we pay attention to web usability and our portal is simple to use or unintuitive for a visitor, we run the risk of them leaving our website.

You know the leading Digital Marketing terms that will help you understand the 3.0 ecosystem a little more to design your online strategy most effectively.

Also Read : Essential Digital Marketing Tools For Small Businesses

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What’s The Difference Between Copied Content And Duplicate Content? Mon, 31 Jul 2023 18:34:19 +0000 There is always much confusion about copied content and duplicate content and both terms are

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There is always much confusion about copied content and duplicate content and both terms are often used interchangeably. The problem is, they are both fundamentally different so it’s important that you understand the distinction. Read on and let’s clear it up once and for all…

What is Copied Content?

Copied content (or plagiarised content) refers to any content that was taken directly from another website (typically a competitor).

You see this often on website’s built by amateurs who don’t fully understand the repercussions of copying the content from another website.

It is stealing and there are no two ways about it.

Yes, your competitor might do exactly the same thing as you and thus it may be tempting to use the words they have on their website (especially if they communicate it so well). However, it is a poor SEO practice and you will be penalised for it.

Copied content can refer to:

  • Content that was quite literally *copy & pasted* from another website, to your own. An exact match – which is also the easiest to identify.
  • Content that is copied, though reworded and changed so that it doesn’t exactly match the original source material. Some people change a few words, others rewrite it entirely which can make it harder to spot.

What is Duplicate Content?

Duplicate content on the other hand refers to content on your website that is similar or exact to other pages.

For example, if you have a lot of similar product pages on your website, it’s not uncommon to have some duplicate content. However, this can be an issue with Google as if they spot duplicate content they struggle to determine which page is more important and your rankings will suffer as a result.

Another common duplicate content issue is when businesses sell products on behalf of another brand (e.g., a power tools supplier). What often happens is that people will copy & paste the manufacturers description of the product from the original brand website. And while this might not necessarily be deemed as “stealing” because you are selling a product on their behalf, it is almost certainly considered as being duplicate content and both parties can suffer as a result.

Following that, there are also a multitude of other technical issues that can lead to duplicate content on a website (e.g., a cloned post being published unintentionally).

What’s the difference between copied and duplicate content?

Copied content is typically ‘stolen’ content, whereas duplicate content tends to come from technical issues, or marketers not wanting to write thousands of unique product descriptions.

How can you avoid copied and duplicate content?

The easiest way to avoid falling into copied and duplicate content traps is to always produce unique content – even if it means writing 1,000 individual product pages.

Regarding the technical issues that can lead to duplicate content issues on your website, unless you are well-versed in web development and feel comfortable digging around in the back-end of your website, we’d recommend calling for professional assistance.

Not only can this SEO company in Dubai help you identify and rectify any duplicate content issues on your website, but they can also help you produce unique and engaging content of your own so you don’t feel obliged to copy & paste it from

Want to outperform your competitors and dominate the Google SERPs? You’ve got to invest in quality content creation of your own!

Also Read : What Is Meant By ‘Anchor Text’? Does It Make That Much Of A Difference?

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What Is Meant By ‘Anchor Text’? Does It Make That Much Of A Difference? Fri, 21 Jul 2023 07:42:46 +0000 If you are new to SEO, you’ve likely been bombarded with dozens and dozens of

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If you are new to SEO, you’ve likely been bombarded with dozens and dozens of new words and acronyms! So much so it can feel terribly overwhelming. But don’t panic! You don’t need to be an overnight expert to succeed with SEO.

Bite size chunks!

In this article, we’ll start you off with ‘anchor text’. What is it and just how important is it in SEO?

What is anchor text?

Anchor text refers to the blue ‘clickable’ text in a hyperlink on a web page or document. These allow users to identify what the link is pointing to and thus be able to navigate accordingly.

What’s an example of anchor text?

Here’s an example of what anchor text looks like on the page:

  • “It is also important that you optimise the slugs (or URLs) on each page of your website. If your slugs are too long and complicated it looks untidy and may confuse your readers. While this doesn’t necessarily impact your SEO, you should still aim to shorten your URLs as it is a positive UX feature.”

In this example I am talking about the importance of optimising the slugs on each page of your website and then I have linked to an external resource that will teach you why and how to do this.

I could have written longer anchor text (e.g., “why and how to shorten your URLs”), but in this case there is enough context provided.

Does anchor text make much of a difference? Is it important for SEO?

While anchor text might seem insignificant, getting it right is actually rather important.

  • Anchor text lets Google identify what the linked web page is all about.
  • More importantly, anchor text lets your users know what the linked web page is all about so they can decide whether it is a page they are interested in visiting.

The fact is, if your anchor text is somewhat vague, most of your users will be less inclined to click on it. And those who do follow the hyperlink and end up on a page that isn’t relevant to them, they’re going to immediately abandon the page, thus signalling to Google that the linked web page isn’t all that helpful.

Link with intention.

What are the different types of anchor text?

There are a variety of anchor text types to be aware of:

  • Exact match: an exact match anchor text includes the exact focus keyword targeted on the linked page (e.g., “SEO services” to a web page targeting “SEO services”). Google likes exact match anchor text, but that doesn’t give you an excuse to overuse it.
  • Partial match: a partial match anchor text includes a variation or closely related keyword (e.g., “SEO services” to a web page targeting “SEO agency”).
  • Branded: branded anchor text uses the brand name instead (e.g., “Facebook” when linking to an article about Facebook).
  • Generic: generic anchor text could be something like “Click here”.
  • Images: image anchors are images that are clickable and Google will use the image alt text as the anchor.
  • Pure links: pure links simply include the URL itself and no anchor text (e.g.,

Best practices when writing anchor text?

  • Keep it relevant.
  • Keep it short and sweet.
  • Frequently mix up your anchor text.
  • Make sure it appears natural. Don’t force it!

Also Read : Here’s Why Google Should Not Be The Driving Force Behind Your SEO Strategy

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Essential Digital Marketing Tools For Small Businesses Tue, 04 Jul 2023 15:02:57 +0000 In today’s fast-paced and highly competitive digital landscape, small businesses need to leverage the power

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In today’s fast-paced and highly competitive digital landscape, small businesses need to leverage the power of digital marketing to reach their target audience effectively. Fortunately, a wide range of digital marketing tools are available to assist small businesses in improving their online presence, attracting new customers, and driving growth. This blog post will explore essential digital marketing tools that every small business should consider incorporating into their marketing strategy.

1. Content Management Systems (CMS)

A strong CMS is the foundation of any effective digital marketing strategy. It allows businesses to create and manage their website easily. Platforms like WordPress, Squarespace, and Wix provide user-friendly interfaces, customizable templates, and seamless content editing capabilities. With a CMS, small businesses can regularly update their website with fresh content, optimize it for search engines, and enhance user experience.

2. Email Marketing Tools

Email marketing remains one of the most effective ways to engage customers and generate leads. Tools like Mailchimp, Constant Contact, and SendinBlue offer user-friendly interfaces to create visually appealing email campaigns, manage subscriber lists, automate email sequences, and track campaign performance. Small businesses can use email marketing tools to build customer relationships, promote products or services, and drive website traffic.

3. Social Media Management Platforms

Small businesses must use social media platforms to engage with their target audience. Tools like Hootsuite, Buffer, and Sprout Social allow businesses to manage multiple social media accounts, schedule posts, monitor brand mentions, analyze performance metrics, and engage with followers. Utilizing social media management platforms can help small businesses streamline their social media presence and effectively reach their audience across different platforms.

4. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tools

Small businesses must optimize their website for search engines to improve organic search visibility and drive website traffic. SEO tools like SEMrush, Moz, and Ahrefs provide valuable insights into keyword research, competitor analysis, backlink tracking, and website audit. By leveraging these tools, small businesses can identify opportunities to improve search rankings, enhance website performance, and attract organic traffic.

5. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising Tools

PPC advertising allows small businesses to display ads on search engine results pages and social media platforms. Platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads provide comprehensive tools to create, manage, and optimize PPC campaigns. Small businesses can set budgets, target specific demographics, and track ad performance to maximize their return on investment (ROI). PPC advertising tools offer flexibility and control over ad campaigns, making them ideal for small businesses with limited marketing budgets.

6. Analytics Tools

Small businesses need to track and analyze website and campaign performance to measure the success of digital marketing efforts. Tools like Google Analytics and Adobe Analytics offer in-depth insights into website traffic, user behavior, conversion rates, and other metrics. By analyzing these metrics, small businesses can identify areas for improvement, refine their marketing strategies, and make data-driven decisions to optimize their online presence.

Take Away

In today’s digital age, small businesses must embrace digital marketing tools to stay competitive and reach their target audience effectively. By incorporating them into their strategy, small businesses can enhance their online presence, attract new customers, and cost-effectively drive growth.

To further expand your knowledge and expertise in using digital marketing tools, consider enrolling in an advanced digital marketing course. Such a course can provide you with valuable insights, hands-on experience, and strategies to maximize the potential of these tools, ensuring your business stays ahead in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Also Read : What is A Digital Marketing Plan, And How Is It Done?

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Here’s Why Google Should Not Be The Driving Force Behind Your SEO Strategy Wed, 21 Jun 2023 03:29:22 +0000 It might sound counter-productive, but if you put Google on a pedestal and make it

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It might sound counter-productive, but if you put Google on a pedestal and make it the focal point in your SEO strategy, it may end up hindering your progress. In other words, when working on your SEO, you need to be doing it for the right reasons in order to achieve the best possible results. Read on and we’ll elaborate further…

Google is interested in one thing: providing its users with a rich and valuable experience

The most important thing to understand about Google is that they are, fundamentally, a business, and their priority is their users. They are only interested in providing their users with a rich and valuable experience. In other words, whenever someone types something into Google, Google’s job is to put the most relevant webpage in front of them – and one that will not only provide the answers they need, but in the most user-friendly way.

When you understand that, it soon becomes abundantly clear that if you want to succeed and rank high in Google, then you need to put their users first (who just so happen to be your target audience).

Step away from the idea of pleasing Google. Put that out of your mind. Modern SEO has nothing to do with google, and everything to do with the user.

OK…when we say “nothing to do with Google”, that’s not entirely true. You still need to work on your technical SEO and edit your Titles and Metas, reduce redirects and server errors, trim down your codes, and create an XML sitemap (to name a few) in order to help Google efficiently crawl and index your website. However, for the most part (and we’re talking a large majority), the primary focus on your onsite optimizations are to improve the overall user experience.

A flawless user-experience

What do you want when you visit a website? You want each page to load quickly; you want an aesthetically pleasing design that is easy to navigate; you want clear and concise information; you want videos and visuals and all manner of content that answers all of your questions in as much depth as is necessary.

Is that so much to ask?

But what kind of experience are you currently providing your website visitors? Would you say it is a flawless user experience? Or is there room for improvement?

The better the UX, the more likely Google will be to rank you higher and this is for a number of reasons but namely because you’ll have a lower bounce-rate with more people spending time, navigating your website and engaging with your business.

Of course, perfecting a website in such a way is no simple task. In fact, it’s incredibly time and resource intensive – in which case it may be worth hiring the experts. A New York City SEO agency with a wealth of experience in the industry can help you make light work of these requirements.

People-first content

Google’s recent ‘Helpful Content’ algorithm update is all about putting people first. Google came to realise that the internet is littered with useless content that is chock-full of keywords for the sole purpose of pleasing their algorithm.

This has to change.

And in an attempt to essentially “tidy up” the internet, they are driving towards rewarding websites that go out of their way to create genuinely valuable, life-improving, ‘people first’ content.

It really is that simple.

If you change your approach from “writing to please Google” and instead make the sole focus of your content marketing providing superior value to your audience, you will invariably be rewarded for it.

Think of it like selfish altruism

The ironic thing is that by not focusing on Google and instead putting all your efforts into providing your users with awesome and valuable information coupled with a seamless user experience, you will ultimately end up pleasing Google in the process anyway.

It’s a win-win!

Also Read : 8 Effective SEO Strategies Agencies Follow To Scale Up E-Commerce Brands

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The 6 Basic Principles Of An E-commerce Marketing Automation Program Thu, 01 Jun 2023 14:30:23 +0000 Do you want to start doing marketing automation for Ecommerce? Always keep these six principles

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Do you want to start doing marketing automation for Ecommerce? Always keep these six principles in mind.

Marketer Friendly

In fact, the technology that allows you to create behavioral marketing actions has been around for several years.

What has changed are the platforms that allow those actions to be carried out, which have reached a level of ease of use, such as making them accessible even to the most ignorant web communicators of programming.

Through visual interfaces  WYЅІWYG Editor (what yοu ѕee is what you get), you interact with the contents of the site with almost unlimited freedom, adding and removing html as you like:

When in an E-commerce, the marketer reaches full control over the modification of the contents, the programmer can finally free himself from a whole series of operations to devote himself to research and development in other fields (platform, integrations).

In real-time

Timing is an essential feature of marketing automation.

Intercepting the needs and interests of users is not enough: it is necessary to be able to interact in real-time according to the action > reaction scheme to provide relevant content with the right timing.

For example, you can exit a pop-up when the user leaves the screen with the mouse.

A single second of delay would be enough to nullify the effectiveness of this action, as it would transform the intention to exit into a real exit from the site.

One to one

Its Mission Is To Provide Each User With A Unique Experience

Through marketing automation software, you can segment your users in infinite ways, providing each one with personalized content.

For example, you can show a banner to users who are first visitors, connect from Canada, have visited at least three pages, and have been on the site for more than 60 seconds.

Despite this, the segments are to be understood as the starting point: the ideal goal of a marketing automation program, the “Holy Grail,” is to know the tastes, preferences, and needs of individual users to create a personalized offer for each of them.

Different interactions with site content ⇒, different browsing/purchase experiences.

Targeting technology is a “return to basics” and a world in which salespeople know their customers’ tastes and preferences.

In Offline realities, this is possible when the clientele is few and loyal (as in the trusted bar or bakery).

In the online world, technology makes this phenomenon available on a large scale, profiling the behavior and interests of thousands of users.


It Is In Constant Improvement

Marketing automation is not a prefabricated product that can be installed as it is on different e-commerce.

It is not a simple “package” of automation that, once activated, magically increase sales.

Marketing automation must be conceived as a constantly evolving system for it to be effective. This scientific test program leads to a progressive and constant improvement of the site’s performance.

A/B tests shouldn’t be placed in the drawer after the initial testing phase.

Once a positive modification has been found, it is always necessary to formulate new hypotheses to test in an optimization cycle that has no end.


It Must Also Follow The User Off The Website

A customization plan must include an ONSITE part (dynamic content modification) and an OFFSITE part (email, sms, Facebook, etc.).

The two components must be closely linked and synergize to create coherent communications throughout the purchasing cycle.

For example, if the user receives a coupon by mail because he hasn’t purchased it for 30 days, once he lands on the site, he will have to find a communication that reminds him of that coupon.

On the other hand, you often see communications via email that are also very beautiful but which do not have a following on the site, and this generates confusion among users.

By managing onsite and offsite marketing from a single marketing automation platform, it is possible to “follow” the user even offsite to intercept him via email, messenger, WhatsApp, and other channels (not all of them work, as usual, to make a difference).


The user increasingly navigates seamlessly, jumping from Desktop, mobile, and tablet.

It may be that on the subway returning from work, he takes a look at the catalog from his Smartphone, then calmly go back to reading the descriptions of the products on the sofa in the evening with his tablet, and decide to buy the next day from the office PC during the break lunch.

A customization plan must consider the differences between devices by adapting the copy and graphics to different resolutions always to offer clear content.

Not only that: the system must be able to recognize the user even when connecting from different Devices.

This is to avoid errors such as re-proposing a coupon on the first purchase to a user who has already purchased from a Desktop but connects for the first time from Smartphone.

To do this, there is Fingerprint technology (fingerprint) which allows you to cross different identification data of the user to recognize him even if he has deleted the cookies or jumped from one device to another.

Would you like to know more?

Marketing automation is a complex chapter of conversion optimization work.

If done correctly, it can become a fantastic opportunity to increase turnover and customer satisfaction. However, you need to have clear ideas and start on the right foot to avoid unnecessarily wasting money.

In Bologna, we will hold the annual course in E-commerce Management, 30 hours of advanced training together with the best speakers on the Italian web scene.

On the second day, we will talk about Marketing Automation and how to make it work in the most diverse E-commerce contexts, all accompanied by Live Sessions and real Case Histories.

Take advantage of this opportunity!

Sign up now to take advantage of the Early Bird and buy your ticket at an exceptional price.

Also Read : From GA3 To Google Analytics 4: How To Deal With The Migration

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From GA3 To Google Analytics 4: How To Deal With The Migration Tue, 23 May 2023 11:38:16 +0000 If you have an e-commerce or manage one as an Ecommerce Manager, you must also

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If you have an e-commerce or manage one as an Ecommerce Manager, you must also worry about migrating from GA3 to Google Analytics 4. You will have asked yourself about the crucial, strategic, and operational aspects of managing this handover between the two tools.

Why you should care about GA3 to GA4 migration

Everyone talked about it for a long time, and only some could have missed the reasons for this migration. However, a small recap of what will happen in the immediate future could outline the reasons why every e-commerce should be concerned and manage the transition in the best possible way.

Meanwhile, after July 1, Google Analytics 3 will stop working, and six months from this date, it will no longer be possible to access historical data.

Also, GA4 is a decidedly different tool than GA3, and most importantly, you cannot import historical data from GA3 to GA4. The only way to keep GA3 data after January 1, 2024, is to have it manually exported to an external file and keep that file, also via API.

The difference between Google Analytics 3 and Google Analytics 4 is mainly due to the structure of the Data Model. In GA4, the concept of session or navigation does not exist, so much so that it could be connected to a website, an app, or a smart refrigerator, for example.

GA4’s information collection is based on the actions performed, eliminating the centrality of navigation. Therefore, an event, such as Page View, must be enriched with other Parameters to stay in theme with the example, the Page Location, the Page Title, and the Source. In this way, the tracking becomes sartorial.

Google Analytics 3 does not have this detailed information and, therefore, cannot be imported into GA4.

Three approaches to migration

There are mainly 3 approaches to migrating from GA3 to GA4 :

  1. You already have a tracking structure, and you import it to GA4, keeping the GA3 concepts.
  2. Use the tools that Google has made available for the migration
  3. Take this opportunity to set up a tracking system with GA4 that is clean and independent from GA3

Of course, there is a fourth potential approach, which is for those who have never had GA3 installed. In that case, however, one could not speak of migration.

Use the structure of GA3 for GA4.

This is the best option when you know the exact structure of GA3 and you know the various pushes into the Data Layer, and, above all, you want to keep them.

It can also be an excellent choice for those who want to avoid investing time and resources in refactoring the current tracking.

This is undoubtedly the most straightforward and fastest solution, but is it also the best option for Google Analytics 4?

The answer is no, because, in this way, the Data Analysis capacity of the GA4 is only partially used.

Use Google tools 

Google has created documentation with a procedure for the migration from GA3 to GA4, also inserting add- ons for all Google Sheets.

The company’s goal of the most used search engine in the world is undoubtedly to bring as many migrations as possible. Still, this choice has often been made to the detriment of other features that have penalized those who have already migrated.

There is also a Wizard made available by Google that accompanies the migration step by step.

It is undoubtedly essential to give at least a view of what is entered in the Wizard.

The add-on made available by Google itself is called GA4 Migrator for Google Sheets and allows you to migrate user permissions from GA3 to GA4 and can do the same migration with Audiences, if compatible.

Making a clean sweep

Cleaning up means analyzing everything from scratch as if GA3 never existed.

This choice is optimal because it allows you to:

  • Review business objectives and create a much, much more in-depth and tailored measurement plan
  • Review the entire tracking structure, inserting data that was previously untraceable and eliminating useless ones
  • Align GA4 tracking for maximum data analytics performance

To do this, you need to use a Measurement Plan. Googling this term comes out with many free templates that can be used anytime, proving there is no excuse to postpone this operation.

The objective of the Measurement Plan is to divide the activities to be monitored into Business Goals, such for example Lead Generation or e-commerce Sales. Each Business Goal is broken down into Marketing Objectives, which in turn are divided into KPIs ( Key Performer Indicators ).

As a result of the Measurement Plan, it is good and particularly recommended to have a document that allows you to immediately identify everything that is tracked, inserting nomenclature and notes relating to the importance of the tracked data.

This document becomes essential to allow a total and complete understanding of what has been done.

Furthermore, it is always advisable to have a Checklist that allows you to monitor the progress of the migration operations and which guarantees that everything is remembered along the way.


The union created between Data Analysis and Marketing activities is very interesting.

Thanks to Google Analytics 4, it’s finally possible to talk about tailored data measurement.

It is equally interesting to note that GA4 already connects automatically to all the tools available within the Google ecosystem, such as Google Tag Manager, Google Ads, and Google Merchant. For all the tools that are separate from this set, it is possible to integrate Google Analytics 4 through the APIs, even if they still need to be in-depth.

Furthermore, the effort required to set up the data analysis model with GA4 is not small, especially when compared to the effort needed for GA3. It might make sense for an SME to turn to other less evolved but more straightforward tools. This only applies to those digital businesses with no real business goals but use the website as a simple showcase.

Also Read : Advantages And Disadvantages Of 3D Printing

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Don’t Open That Browser—The Technical Analysis For eCommerce That No One Ever Told You To Do. Tue, 09 May 2023 11:27:22 +0000 Your Ecommerce site is fantastic: The agency has created it exactly as you wanted. The

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Your Ecommerce site is fantastic:

  • The agency has created it exactly as you wanted.
  • The graphics are captivating.
  • The navigation respects the best Best Practices for a high conversion rate.

At least that’s what they led you to believe!

Serious usability problems are often hidden behind appearances; you just don’t know it, as you are used to seeing your site from 1 desktop, one smartphone, and at most 1 tablet.

Are you sure that everything works correctly, even for the dozens of possible combinations between different devices, operating systems, screen resolutions, and browsers?

What if you discover that there is a large number of potential customers who do not buy because your site has technical problems on their devices?

Be careful because knowing the Truth could wake you up from your cathartic sleep and make you see things from a totally different point of view, much more complex than you’ve been used to so far.

In the worst-case scenario, you may find yourself phoning your programmer immediately to ask for an explanation in 10 minutes. Are you ready?

Collect clues with Google Analytics

First of all, you will have to evaluate your site’s performance by comparing different devices, operating systems, browsers, and screen resolutions. Only in this way will you be able to gather clues about any malfunctions.

Remember that among the most common factors that kill conversions, there are really “trivial” technical problems, no matter how powerful your Value Proposition is or how brilliant your copy is.

Compare the conversion rate between different browser versions

Go to Public >> Technology >> Browser and operating system

DO NOT make the mistake of analyzing aggregated data as-is. The device categories must be analyzed separately; otherwise, you will have the wrong numbers. Then select one at a time the three pre-set segments that divide the traffic by device category: “Desktop traffic,” “Tablet traffic,” and “Mobile traffic.”

Then select “Browser version” as the secondary dimension to uniquely identify particular browsers that are having problems.

Finally, set a filter to display only browsers with at least 100 conversions.

IMPORTANT: give importance only to browsers that have at least 100 conversions, which is the minimum acceptable threshold to have statistically relevant data. Ignore the rest of the data, and be aware of it.

As you can see from the example above, Internet Explorer 11.0 is the browser that has the highest number of sessions but has a conversion rate that is far too low (2.35%) compared to the site’s average (5.29%).

A conversion rate lower than half and a value too low to be attributed to chance or personal taste!

Compare bounce rates between different browser versions.

In addition to conversions, the other fundamental data to consider is the Bounce Rate. Use the “Comparison” tool at the top right above the table to get an immediate view of the browsers where users bounce the most.

Why do Android 4.0 and Safari 7.0 have such a high Bounce Rate? It could be an indicator of technical problems that you have never noticed before!

[nb: in this case, I removed the “transactions > 100” filter as we are only interested in the number of Sessions]

How much does screen resolution affect? 

Another useful data to “find out” the technical problems of your site is the screen resolution. There are cases where some resolutions present more problems than others, given the same browser version.

Also, it is easy to find anomalies, such as the low conversion rate for the 1280×1024 resolution.

These are just a few examples of how to find technical pain points through Google Analytics. Much more can be done, but it is already an excellent starting point for the moment!

How to perform cross-browser and cross-device tests

Well. Now that you’ve filled your head with doubts about why and how these problems arise, it’s time to see how your site displays on different browsers, devices, and resolutions.

So get busy and collect all possible devices, browsers, and screens among friends and relatives…

Of course, I’m joking!

There is software that can emulate all types of devices and show you their navigation. Among these, the most famous is BrowserStack.

You can try it free for 30 minutes, after which rates start at $39/month. If you are not an agency, you can also purchase the service only for the time necessary to carry out all the checks and fix bugs.

With BrowserStack, you can enter as many URLs as you want and simulate browsing with many devices, browsers, and screen resolutions. The operation can be long, but if you start from the data you’ve collected with Google Analytics, you can prioritize the work and start immediately from the most serious problems.

First of all, you should test the product page and checkout templates, which are the most important in e-commerce.

We have seen above that Internet Explorer 11.0 is the browser most used by users of the site in question, but at the same time has a conversion rate that is too low. Select it and enter a site URL, in this case, a product sheet.

And…surprise! This is how the product sheet looks in Internet Explorer 11.0:

The elements are completely out of place, with the main image moved down to convey an idea of ​​amateurism when in reality, it is important e-commerce that invoices millions of euros!

The suspicions raised by Analytics have been confirmed. The next step will be to test the rest of the pages with that browser version and make stamps to send to the programmers. Then, the same operation must also be done for other versions of Internet Explorer to understand if it is a problem with the version or of the browser itself.

You can also do this for all the main mobile devices:


Technical analysis is the essential starting point if you want to optimize your Ecommerce site. You can’t do without it!

With tools like BrowserStack, you can access an infinite number of combinations between Devices, Browsers, and Resolutions. To avoid getting lost, always prioritize important Analytics data such as the number of Sessions, Conversions, and Bounce Rate.

Have you ever encountered serious problems with cross-browser and cross-device analysis? Tell us your story in the comments below!

Also Read : What To Look For When Buying Home Appliances

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8 Effective SEO Strategies Agencies Follow To Scale Up E-Commerce Brands Tue, 03 Jan 2023 12:06:31 +0000 Introduction Did you know that 93% of all online activities begin with a search engine?

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Did you know that 93% of all online activities begin with a search engine? That’s right! That’s how much people turn to search engines for information, help, advice, and more.

And if you’re a business owner looking to rank on these search engines, you must know by now that having an SEO strategy in place is crucial for the success of your business.

To put it in simple terms, SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the practice of improving your site’s rating to bring in more quality traffic.

Along with quality, quantity is an important factor too. To rank higher over time, you must adhere to strategies like adding more content, using more links, and including a wider range of keywords. This technique (or process) is called scaling, and it is exactly what it sounds like.

In short, spending time developing an effective SEO strategy may completely transform not just your web traffic but also your business as a whole.

As an SEO agency in Chennai, the below-discussed strategies are what our SEO professionals follow to scale up eCommerce brands.

The 3 Cs of SEO

Before we jump into the main subject of the blog, let us understand the core concepts of SEO first.

When it comes to search engine optimization, there are three parts or 3 Cs to it. They are- Content, Code, and Credibility.


Rule of thumb: content is king. Good-quality, relevant and helpful content is pivotal to the entire SEO process. Without keyword-loaded HTML text on all main pages, a website cannot gain high visibility in search engines.


The website’s coding determines how it functions in search engines. Some types of programming languages that are used to create and manage websites are reportedly problematic for spiders.

It is always preferable to adhere to web standard rules to create better designs and improve user understanding of the website.


Search engines should be able to distinguish your website from the millions of others on the internet. The most effective way to do that is to obtain links from websites in your industry that are both popular and easily found when searching for your key terms.

The higher the quality of the link, the greater your credibility.

8 Effective SEO Strategies

1. Analyze competition

Before you use other SEO strategies to scale your website, the first step is to analyze your competitors.

Anytime you want to rank for a particular keyword, Google it and see what results you get. Look at which websites appear on the top and view their pages to see the type of information they provide on the subject.

2. Keyword targeting

The rankings of your website are heavily influenced by keywords. Keywords are terms that are frequently typed into search engines like Google, Bing, etc. If you use the right number of keywords in the right places, your pages will eventually move up the rankings.

However, remember not to do keyword stuffing. Overdoing your keywords will only hurt your ranking.

3. Page titles

You must make compelling and appealing page titles for your website. Make sure to create headlines that immediately grab the attention of your target audience.

When writing these catchy headlines, make sure your keyword appears in the headline and/or the subhead.

In order to avoid being cut off in search results, title tags should be not more than 60 characters. You can use keywords in the beginning of the title.

4. Metadata

The first two elements a user sees in the SERP are your meta title and meta description.

You should try to provide as much relevant information as you can in your meta description while staying within the 150-character limit. Don’t forget to add your main keyword as well!

5. High-quality content

Content that addresses the concerns of your audience, offers practical insights, and educates them so that they can excel at what they do are all examples of valuable content.

Remember to naturally incorporate relevant keywords into the quality content you’re producing.

Make sure your content is original and is easy to understand even for a layman. Remember that at the end of the day, you are writing content for people and not search engines. Helpful content is the key.

6. Backlinks

Backlinks are links from other websites that lead to your website. These links contribute to the credibility and trustworthiness of your website.

This not only helps you increase your domain authority, but also directly increases the chance that visitors will click on your website if it appears on other reputable domains.

You can also get in touch with industry leaders and ask them to check out your website.

7. Technical SEO

After all this is done, you need to ensure the technical aspects of your website. It will be difficult for any visitor to do anything meaningful on your website if the UX isn’t intuitive and easy to use.

Whether it’s making sure that sites load quickly, eliminating “toxic” backlinks, or building a clear XML sitemap with a clean URL structure, these technical SEO strategies can be really helpful when it comes to obtaining those higher ranks on SERPs.

8. Hire an expert

Most of the basic SEO is easy to learn and implement.

However, to make sure your site is actually optimised for results, you can hire an SEO professional. Your website can be audited to see how it is doing in relation to your most essential keywords. To help you in advancing your website, an SEO agency or a professional will give you a defined list of tasks.

echoVME digital marketing agency based in Chennai with expertise in many digital areas like SEO, Ads, and Content. Hiring an experienced agency will assure your business a strong and effective SEO strategy.

echoVME Digital- a leading SEO agency in Chennai

With almost 12 years of experience in the field of digital marketing, echoVME Digital is an award-winning agency in Chennai. Our agency offers full-service digital marketing solutions in Chennai with social media and digital marketing expertise.

Along with 360-degree SEO services, we also provide other services like

  • Google and Facebook Ads
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Content Marketing
  • Influencer Marketing
  • Digital Marketing Services
  • Shopify Development
  • Web Development, and more.

If you are a business owner looking to go digital or need assistance scaling your business digitally, our team of creative and committed digital marketing professionals is here to help!


This was our list of 8 effective SEO strategies agencies follow to help scale-up brands.

Though we discussed some great points, we hardly covered the topic of SEO in this blog article. SEO is a discipline that becomes more intricate and nuanced when dealt with deeper. But by providing you with some tried-and-tested advice that has proven effective in this field, we hope you are now ready to formulate SEO strategies on your own.

And if you aren’t sure how to make these strategies work or which strategies suit your business the best, echoVME Digital can help.

Contact us for result-driven and effective SEO strategies for your business/brand.

Also Read : The Real Evolutionary Leap Will Be having Digital Head 

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Pentaho & Google Analytics: How To Integrate Wed, 23 Nov 2022 06:43:54 +0000 An ultimate guide for your business Pentaho & Google Analytics: In today’s competitive environment, finding

The post Pentaho & Google Analytics: How To Integrate appeared first on Stuff In Post.

An ultimate guide for your business

Pentaho & Google Analytics: In today’s competitive environment, finding a way to verify customer interest has become increasingly difficult. The data to be compared are not few, and it becomes challenging to find the time and economic resources necessary to carry out all the appropriate research. Fortunately, some tools can be used to improve the performance of your business and evaluate different services.

As many know, Google Analytics is a service that allows you to monitor a website’s traffic. Evaluate the time spent on a certain page, the most searched words, or topics that have piqued visitors’ interest to a certain space. To obtain an optimal and, if possible, even more personalized result, some computer scientists have developed a system that allows Pentaho & Google Analytics to be integrated. In this way, they can monitor their virtual space’s success and study the best strategies that allow them to change their presence on the web. Here, then, is a brief guide designed for those who wish to use these tools to make their company make the most of it.

 A few steps to get the most out of it

In fact, installing these systems and getting them up and running isn’t a long or complicated process—you just need to know the right tools.

First, you need to activate Google Analytics and generate the API key. Once this access key has been created, the user will have to connect to the Google Developers link and enter their Gmail access data which will allow them to access the API Console and activate API Analytics. Next, you will need to copy the API key from the relevant access card and configure the pass for Google Analytics. At this point, it is necessary to specify which settings to keep for the connection to be successful. The application name to be used must be the default one, i.e., “ kettle plugin.” The reference email becomes that of the logged-in user, and the password is the same one used to access Google services, while the API key is the one entered in the first step.

Ascertained that the entered data are those indicated, the system will be ready to work and offer its user the first results. In fact, a table will be displayed with the views per page, the number of unique visits, the clicks made, and all the data that can be imported and shared with those who will interpret them. Do not forget that these are free systems, made available to those who want to use them in their own company, and make each report a real success without needing excessive investments, which proves to be an advantage even for smaller companies or those still in the start-up phase. The joint use of Pentaho & Google Analytics makes it possible to optimize times and costs, making the IT personnel who work for the company autonomous and able to manage the data obtained quickly and satisfactorily.

One last tip from the experts

Contrary to what one might think, having an integrated  Pentaho & Google Analytics system is not the definitive solution for those who want to solve any business management problems. In addition to finding the most appropriate tools for data collection, it is necessary to look for an employee who can carry out an in-depth reading of the information obtained and who knows how to analyze every detail critically. In this way, it will be possible to change one’s strategy and make a difference in the market, getting closer to customers and learning to listen to each request more carefully.

Also Read : How To Choose The Reporting And Analytics Platform

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