MARKETING Archives - Stuff In Post Everything About Technology Fri, 05 Apr 2024 08:03:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 MARKETING Archives - Stuff In Post 32 32 Prepare For New Email Authentication Requirements Imposed By Google And Yahoo. Fri, 05 Apr 2024 08:02:28 +0000 At the start of 2024, the email challenge for businesses in 2023 is not only

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At the start of 2024, the email challenge for businesses in 2023 is not only to combat phishing attacks continually but also to adapt to the reinforced requirements of Google and Yahoo regarding authentication. Emails are a complex process but essential for email security in the future.

In 2021, 319.6 billion emails were in circulation every day. Used en masse by companies — both internally and to communicate with their customer and partner ecosystems, this number should reach 376.4 billion by 2025. Having become a preferred vector for threat actors, they do not hesitate to exploit this universal tool to deploy their email phishing campaigns. Therefore, protecting mailboxes is a vital issue for companies wishing to communicate securely with their customers.

Faced with this threat, Google and Yahoo are responding with new requirements for email authentication designed to prevent cybercriminals from abusing it. While this major change is excellent news for consumers, there is little time left for businesses to prepare since these new requirements will be applicable during the first quarter of 2024. 

Email authentication has been a security best practice for several years now. The DMARC protocol (for Domain-based Message Authentication Reporting and Conformance), free of charge for around ten years, constitutes the reference standard for protection against email fraud, a key technique in BEC attacks. (business email compromise) and phishing.

Yet many businesses still need to implement it, a gap they will need to quickly make up for if they want to be able to send emails to Gmail and Yahoo addresses. An adaptation that can, however, prove difficult since it requires a series of technical steps and ongoing maintenance. To meet the requirements within the set deadlines, they must, therefore, have the internal resources or the necessary knowledge, which is different.

What these new requirements mean for businesses

Phishing and email compromise pose significant threats to businesses across all industries. By 2023, 84% of organizations will have faced at least one successful phishing attack.

Dubbed the “$26 billion scam” by the FBI, these attacks result in colossal financial losses for victims. With this growing threat, domain name authentication offers protection by breaking the email attack chain.

DMARC and its associated authentication mechanisms—the Sender Policy Framework ( SPF ) and Domain Key Identified Mail ( DKIM )—work together to secure email and prevent techniques such as email spoofing. , a common tactic in phishing attacks. The SPF protocol, for example, allows the receiving mail server to check whether the incoming email comes from an IP address authorized by the company. Once this verification is done, the cybercriminal cannot usurp the company’s identity, thus protecting employees and customers.

For businesses that communicate with their customers through Gmail and Yahoo services, registering as DMARC today presents two challenges: time and maintenance. Implementing each protocol (DMARC, SPF, and DKIM) involves several steps, which can prove delicate, especially when several domain names are involved. Protocols must then be maintained over time. 

However, this process can be simplified and streamlined by exploring tools that integrate with existing workflows. Additionally, working with a security partner provides access to experienced resources that are typically unavailable in-house.

Prepare well for the requirements of Google and Yahoo. 

There are some subtleties between the requirements imposed by Google and Yahoo. Indeed, Google also provides additional conditions for organizations that send mass emails (5,000 or more per day). However, it remains advisable to implement email authentication best practices regardless of this additional condition to strengthen the company’s security posture and thus reduce the risks associated with email. 

Although the timelines are very short, adopting this practice will help protect staff, teams, and stakeholders across an organization. While Google and Yahoo want to protect their users above all, these new requirements will be just as beneficial for businesses. The impact of harmful emails will reach far beyond customers, so they should, therefore, be seen more as a catalyst to strengthen overall defenses against email-related threats.

With a trusted security partner, authentication experts can guide businesses through the implementation process and help simplify it. They will also help to complete the technical steps and ensure compliance with best practices for optimal and global defense.

Strengthening these defenses with the right technology

Even today, humans are the weak link in the attack chain, and human error is the leading cause of cyber incidents. While user awareness and education significantly reinforce this vulnerability, technical controls such as DMARC protect the entire ecosystem against phishing.

Like any security tool, DMARC is not a silver bullet but a free tool for businesses; it adds an extra layer of protection to strengthen overall defenses. Google and Yahoo’s email requirements present an excellent opportunity for organizations to close their security gaps with expert support and resources available. You don’t have to face this journey alone — leverage the experts and resources to ensure you address email threats holistically.

Also Read : How To Know If Your Email Has Been Read

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Option & Futures Trading: Full Time Profession Vs Part Time Tue, 26 Mar 2024 18:49:25 +0000 Today, many people are getting interested in trading options and futures. These sophisticated financial instruments

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Today, many people are getting interested in trading options and futures. These sophisticated financial instruments allow traders to speculate on the future price movements of assets like stocks, commodities, and currencies.

Some people do the FNO trading as a full-time job, while others do it part-time alongside other work.
This article will explain the differences between doing it full-time or part-time, and help you figure out which might be best for you.

Advantages and Challenges of Full-Time F&O Trading

Full-time trading offers several advantages and challenges for those willing to commit their time and resources:


Dedicated Focus: Full-time trading lets traders focus all day on watching the markets, studying charts, and making trades. This means they can react quickly to opportunities and change their strategies as needed, which is important for staying competitive and making the most of potential profits.

Capitalizing on Opportunities: With more time to watch the market, traders can quickly buy or sell assets when prices change during the day. This helps them make profits by taking advantage of price movements that happen suddenly.

In-depth Analysis: Full-time traders have more time to study and understand companies, charts, and market trends deeply. This helps them make better decisions when buying or selling stocks, increasing their chances of success.


Financial Pressure and Risk: Financial pressure in full-time trading means traders must consistently make profits to cover living expenses and maintain their trading capital. They face the stress of needing to generate enough income solely from trading to sustain their lifestyle.

Emotional stress: Full-time trading can be emotionally demanding, causing feelings of anxiety and pressure to perform. Constantly monitoring your trades and facing the uncertainty of the market can lead to heightened stress levels for traders.

Time commitment: Trading full-time means spending many hours each day researching, analyzing, and monitoring the markets. This time commitment can be demanding, leaving little room for other activities or interests outside of trading.

Advantages and Challenges of Part-Time F&O Trading

Part-time futures and options trading can offer several advantages and present certain challenges as well. Let’s explore both:


Flexibility: Part-time trading lets you participate in markets without giving up your job or other responsibilities. You can choose when to trade, making it easier to balance your work, family, and trading activities.

Reduced Pressure: Unlike full-time trading, part-time trading does not necessarily require individuals to rely solely on trading profits for their livelihood. This can alleviate some of the financial pressure and stress associated with trading as a primary source of income.

Supplemental Income: Part-time trading can earn extra money besides a regular job. This extra income can help achieve financial goals or improve living standards, providing a financial boost without the pressure of relying solely on trading profits.


Time Constraints: Due to their limited availability, those who trade part-time often have less time for thorough market analysis and research. This can make it difficult to make well-informed trading decisions.
Limited Availability

During Market Hours: Due to specific trading hours, part-time traders might struggle to keep track of market movements. This means they could miss chances to make trades or react promptly to changes in the market.

Difficulty in Managing Risk: Limited time for managing risks may lead to difficulties in protecting against potential losses. This could increase vulnerability to significant financial setbacks, as adequate risk management is crucial in options and futures trading.

Full Time Profession vs Part Time F&O trading: Which is Better?

Full-time professions offer stability and growth, while part-time F&O trading provides flexibility and potential high returns, but with market risks.

The choice depends on individual financial goals, risk tolerance, and time commitment. Informed decisions based on thorough research are crucial in both paths. Balancing both is also an option. The “better” choice is highly personal.


Whether you trade all the time or just part of it, it’s important to know what you want and what you can do. Both ways of trading have good and bad points, so finding what works for you is really important.

Also Read : Intraday Trading Strategies: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners

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Essential Digital Marketing Terms Mon, 22 Jan 2024 11:26:10 +0000 You have decided that it is time for your business to make the definitive leap

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You have decided that it is time for your business to make the definitive leap into the online world. You have started researching the topic, and… you have put your hands on your head. How many Digital Marketing terms exist? TRUE?

The truth is that the field of Online Marketing, like other professions, uses specific jargon. And, although it is not necessary that you know all the terms, it is interesting that you control the meaning of certain words.

How can knowing these digital marketing terms help your company daily?

This way, it will be easier for you to understand the experts when they recommend strategies for your business, and you will avoid being caught out. Remember that knowledge is power.

To help you with this, we have created a glossary of Digital Marketing concepts that is very quick to consult, with clear and uncomplicated explanations, which will prevent you from choking on all those essential terms to design your online strategy.

We recommend that you save this article in “favourites” so that you can consult it whenever you need it. And, if you have come across any other word that you do not understand and you are interested in us explaining it to you, leave it in the comments area, and we will get to work to expand this dictionary of Digital Marketing terms.

#1 Buyer persona

It is the fictional representation of your ideal client based on your research on your market and your clients. When creating the buyer persona profile, we must do everything we can to specify their demographic data (sex, age, location, etc.), needs, desires, behaviours, etc.

Think that the more details you have, the easier it will be to communicate effectively with your ideal client. How will you give your client what he needs if you don’t know him? Understanding and empathizing with your target audience is the basis of any online strategy.

#2 Social Networks

They are online platforms that users use to contact, interact with, and share content with others who share their interests. Some of the best-known are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and YouTube.

It is an essential Digital Marketing tool in any business because it allows you to become known and attract a new audience (potential clients), maintain constant contact with the community, increase company recognition and promote brand loyalty. 

#3 Engagement

When we hear or read the term engagement, it refers to the commitment that the audience maintains to a brand. Engagement is frequently used to assess the success of a campaign on Social Networks by analyzing its reactions through comments, “I like you”, shares…

#4 Influencer

A person who has the ability to affect or influence the behaviour of other people as a result of the size of their community or their powers of persuasion. Influencers are very useful for companies that pay these people in exchange for promoting their products or services to their followers.

#5 Inbound Marketing

It is a strategy focused on attracting the attention of potential customers, even before they are ready to buy, through the creation and dissemination of useful content.

Inbound Marketing is a natural and non-invasive tactic, unlike traditional advertising that puts content (a television ad, for example) in front of the consumer’s nose even if they are not interested in that product.

The philosophy of Inbound Marketing or Attraction Marketing is based on resolving the user’s doubts through relevant information in such a way that their attention is drawn, and the consumer himself is the one who begins to keep track of the business in the digital field (following him in Social Networks, subscribing to your newsletter …). In this way, the consumer is made more predisposed to purchase.

#6 Content Marketing

It is a Digital Marketing strategy focused on creating, publishing and disseminating relevant content to attract an audience, generate potential customers and build loyalty among existing ones in a non-intrusive way.

When we talk about content, we refer to formats as varied as blog articles, podcasts, e-books, emails, infographics, case studies, videos, images, etc. It is the main strategy within Inbound Marketing.

#7 Email Marketing

Strategy based on the sending of emails by a business as a mechanism to develop relationships with its clients or potential clients and promote its products or services. It is a very direct, effective and economical communication channel that allows you to send personalized and dynamic messages to the audience.

#8 Newsletter

A newsletter that is distributed regularly to the audience (subscribers) via email. A newsletter can contain offers, sector news, recommendations, and reminders.

If you are original and use this tool well, it can be one of the most profitable resources for your company.

Draw what you want to sell in the consumer’s mind. Don’t fill the email with product or service features; describe the benefits and emphasize the pain points.


It is a person who shows interest in a business and its products or services. In other words, we can define the lead as a potential customer.

A lead can be when a potential customer fills out a contact form, makes a phone call requesting more information, or purchases on a website.

#10 Keywords

This Digital Marketing term, also known as keyword, refers to the words that users type (or dictate, thanks to voice searches) into a search engine (such as Google) when they need to find specific information. An example of a keyword would be “restaurant in Madrid” or “how to prepare a Valencian paella”.

Optimizing a website for a particular keyword involves introducing those terms throughout the website’s content and in some strategic regions of the HTML code (language used to develop web pages ).

By including keywords on the website, it is possible to signal the search engine about what they can find on that portal related to the users’ searches.

Be natural; don’t fill the content with keywords as if a robot were to read it; it has been a long time since it has worked like that.

#11 SEO

The term SEO corresponds to the acronym for Search Engine Optimization, or what is the same, optimization for search engines.

When we talk about SEO, we are referring to a series of techniques that we use to improve the positioning of a web page in the search engine rankings ( mainly Google since it is the most used both in Spain and worldwide). SEO is worked on at an organic or natural level, that is, without having to pay for advertising.

Remember that Google shows in its results links to pages that it considers relevant to the search that the user has performed. When you work on SEO, your chances of appearing in the first search results increase, and therefore, you help visitors (traffic) reach your website and become future customers of your business.

Tracking web analytics that allows you to see how web traffic evolves and through which channels the visits are arriving is essential, not only to know the number of visits but also to know where those visits arrive from.

#12 SEM

SEM ( Search Engine Marketing) or Search Engine Marketing is attracting visitors to your website (traffic) by advertising on search engines. When it is said that you do SEM, you are paying a search engine, such as Google, to show your website in its results according to specific keyword searches.

We give you an example. Imagine that you want Google to show your business website when a user searches for the following keywords: “cheap management in Madrid”. You can position yourself by working on SEO (without paying advertising to Google), which will take time, or through SEM (paying Google to show you in its ads for that keyword).

#13 Landing page

A landing page is a page on your website that is designed with a specific Marketing objective, such as selling a product or service or attracting subscribers. To do this, every landing page, also known as a landing page, must include a call to action or CTA ( call to action ) designed to provoke an immediate response from the user, telling them what they should do.

#14 Conversion

When we talk about conversion in the context of Digital Marketing, we refer to the act of transforming a user who browses a website into a customer or lead.

Through the conversion rate, we can measure the percentage of visitors who have come to a website and who have ended up carrying out the desired action that the business had set as its objective.

#15 Conversion funnel

Also known as a sales funnel, it refers to the phases that a user must go through to become a customer. These phases, broadly speaking, are attraction, conversion and loyalty.

The funnel metaphor is a way of visualizing the process by which the consumer is guided towards the goal (usually the sale) so that sales prospects fall on the way to conversion.

This means there may be many users interested in a product, but few will become customers by completing the last step or final action of the funnel.

#16 Remarketing

Remarketing or retargeting involves serving targeted ads to people who have visited a website or clicked on an ad. This tactic helps to recover visitors by showing them personalized advertising to get them to revisit the website and complete the purchase (or carry out the proposed objective).

#17 Link

A link is a link or link that allows you to jump from one web page to another when clicked on. Links help us navigate between pages on the Internet and can be attached in text and images, mainly through HTML code.

#18 Web usability

We could define this Digital Marketing term briefly as “ease of use”. Web usability measures the effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction with which a user can achieve a specific objective on a website. Web usability includes everything from the menus of a page to the buttons and forms, including links and content.

If we pay attention to web usability and our portal is simple to use or unintuitive for a visitor, we run the risk of them leaving our website.

You know the leading Digital Marketing terms that will help you understand the 3.0 ecosystem a little more to design your online strategy most effectively.

Also Read : Essential Digital Marketing Tools For Small Businesses

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Do You Need Money Now? A Quick Loan IS Your Answer! Thu, 11 Jan 2024 18:11:08 +0000 There is always that one day that comes when you just need that little bit

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There is always that one day that comes when you just need that little bit of extra cash. Do not worry, it happens to the best of us. Fortunately for you, has the answer to your prayers. With loans specifically designed for those who could use a little extra when it comes to those unexpected financial emergencies.

Application is simple and takes no time at all, and better than that, the cash is in your account within no more than a few hours. Now, that sure is going to help in that financial emergency. Getting a loan fast can really be a game changer and help you when you need it most.

What Is a Quick Loan?

A quick loan is an unsecured loan whose approval is instant, and the payout is fast. It is also called a short-term or same-day loan, and loan amounts range anywhere between £100 and £5,000.

Quick loans are specific financial products that have been developed to cater to the unforeseen and the unexpected. With fast approval and payouts, they are the ideal ace up your sleeve when you are in urgent need of some cash.

What Can Quick Loans Be Used For?

When the inevitable cash shortage does strike, it is good to know that you have a cash-happy lender by your side, and able to lend a hand quickly. Unexpected bills and emergency expenses may include:

  • Broken boiler repairs
  • Car breakdown, towing, and repair cost
  • A dental emergency
  • Some household repairs

With loans of up to £5000, you are guaranteed to have your needs met and more, covering you all the way home.

Can I Get a Quick Loan If I Have Bad Credit?

Yes is the short answer. Quick loans have been designed with the understanding that financial challenges affect everyone, and that should not disqualify a person from borrowing money in the most desperate of times. While credit checks are standard procedure, having a bad credit rating does not automatically disqualify you.

Credit checks are a necessary practice in the quick loan industry, as they fall under the banner of responsible lending. Although the primary focus is on your current financial situation, the past must be reviewed, as these credit checks are only 1 factor of many that are taken into consideration.

What Are The Repayment Terms?

Loans are granted for periods between 3 and 36 months, and (as you know) loans are paid out on the same day. Some companies offer services that are 100% free, while others may charge an admin fee.

It is important to note and remember that if you fail to pay your loan on time, it could cause some serious and long-term consequences for your credit score. Furthermore, late payments could run you penalties that may just leave you a little worse off than you started.

Quick loans are a great way to bridge the gap during the tougher times and get you to the other side.

Also Read : Know How You Can Apply for an Online Business Loan without Any Collateral? Read on

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E-commerce Reviews: How To Use Them To Generate Trust Wed, 03 Jan 2024 11:03:38 +0000 What are the main advantages of online reviews? What does the term “verified review” refer

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What are the main advantages of online reviews? What does the term “verified review” refer to?

The growth of e-commerce has been explosive and continues to grow. One of the reasons for this success is undoubtedly the user’s ability to compare multiple products in just a few minutes.

The ability to compare the prices and quality of products from different suppliers and choose the best store is independent of the budget factor. Buyers want to be informed first, and product reviews are predominant in the decision. This article will observe the most critical aspects of the review phenomenon and the emerging platforms that certify its quality.

The quality seal helps you fight fake reviews of your e-commerce.

It is no secret that online reviews are essential for the buyer, so many companies strive to investigate and acquire information through their site to make the consumer’s life easier. Considering this scenario and the purchasing power of customers, let’s see what the most important aspects of the reviews phenomenon are.

Users who shop online want to know the experiences of other shoppers. This trend is confirmed by the study published by the Spiegel Research Center, which indicates that 95% of buyers read online reviews before making a purchase.

If you don’t have ecommerce reviews, something needs to be fixed…

Having an online business without reviews is equivalent to having no identity; this will arouse mistrust in the potential customer. The absence of opinions on your e-commerce products will give the impression that sales are low, will not increase the portal’s reputation, and the brand’s credibility will remain low.

Online brands care more than ever about the feedback their customers leave on their sites and encourage more customers to share their opinions. Online consumers are increasing, and with them, the number of comments.

According to Forbes, 88% of consumers trust online reviews as much as a “personal recommendation”. We observe the effects of this behaviour on marketing strategies in the next paragraph.

6 advantages of reviews for your e-commerce

For e-commerce platforms, having reviews today is practically a necessity. Let’s see why:

They stimulate the purchase decision.

The online shopping market offers a vast choice, which can cause confusion; buying something can require considerable time and effort. The sure way to reduce it is to know what other people are buying, which trends, and which brands already have expressed authentic considerations. The reviews, therefore, help you make a quick purchase decision.

They increase the trust of potential customers.

If a product has good ratings, customers tend to rely more on the E-Commerce platform that offers it. Therefore, reviews increase the trust of new customers, which is essential for reducing the cart abandonment rate at checkout.

They help retain existing customers.

Building a strong community of customers around an online business can be challenging. However, encouraging these customers to interact in the online shop will help build loyalty. Customers who make repeat purchases and share the shopping experience in the community will generate greater trust, but not only, but there will also be better visibility on the web, as indicated in the following point.

They improve the SEO positioning of your e-commerce.

What does this have to do with reviews? Well, the more text published in the online shop, the more chances there are for keywords to appear in other users’ search results. The more keywords are distributed throughout the portal, the more visits can be generated, and sales can increase.

They provide credibility to the products and the company.

The reputation of a brand is the fundamental basis of online commerce. Who has yet to wonder whether the product they just purchased will be correctly delivered? Is the company reliable in this respect? Adding customer comments eliminates these doubts that could ruin the success of a sale.

They are indicators of the products that work best.

The adaptive power of an online shop is important in this sense. Knowing which product generates the greatest interest or has the least popularity among the customer community is essential for readjusting the catalogue of items offered.

The benefits of customer reviews

E-commerce retailers are aware that almost every time someone thinks about purchasing a product in their store, they will compare price and value with their competitors.

Reviews make the difference in this case, which is why if you can’t match the low prices of your competitors as a business owner, consider other ways to add value to your e-commerce.

For example, good customer service, discounts, free shipping or a large assortment of products can make your e-shop more attractive, leaving the customer pleasantly impressed. Again, since you cannot physically touch and feel the product, knowing the experiences of other users is of the utmost importance.

Especially for new e-commerce sites, each new review helps offer relevant content to those who don’t yet know you, giving your company greater recognition and a greater chance of indexing and positioning your pages within search engines.

Negative ecommerce reviews? Excellent food for thought

Most brands are increasingly monitoring online reviews and responding to complaints. Understanding the importance of managing and paying attention to this communication channel effectively means implementing a sales strategy.

Consider that, on average, online shopping customers spend 31% more in a company with reviews. 72% of consumers will take action after reading a positive review, while 86% will refuse to purchase from a company with negative reviews. Furthermore, 9 out of 10 consumers say that an online opinion is as important as a personal recommendation.

Negative comments help and contribute to optimizing your online shop. What may initially appear as a negative comment must be food for thought and improvement; that is, it must become constructive criticism.

A customer evaluation is the best tool to determine possible failures in your services. For example, suppose a user comments on a very slow or unreliable delivery service. In that case, he may be the indicator to switch providers and emphasize resolving any problems. This “critical” review must be responded to even more promptly than positively.

In this way, you show the customer your interest in solving their problem or disappointment while showing other users the truthfulness and transparency of the opinion system.

The quality seal against fake reviews

Who guarantees that online reviews come from real customers and not from the seller, friends, or family? How do you know that the comments have not been manipulated?

Some third-party services guarantee that all the reviews present on the pages of a site come from real customers and that there is no manipulation, i.e., no comments have been modified or deleted. Choosing to entrust your e-commerce to an IT supplier for the management solution and collection of customer opinions will protect you from haters and “flame” messages from those who comment and leave reviews to annoy other users of your site. It will also give a quality seal to your reviews, which will always be verified.

However, you need to be careful about who you trust with your brand, as not all external services are impartial, so you need to know how to choose. The advice is to examine multiple companies; what emerges from each of them will help you decide which one best suits your needs.

To make your search easier, research which management systems are compatible with your e-commerce platform. This will allow you to do a first skimming. So consider all aspects, analyze which ones interest you and see which ones offer those features.

Tip: Watch and learn from the big marketplaces

In light of what emerged from the previous paragraphs, numerous parameters contribute to defining the success and credibility of e-commerce. Looking at the experience of managing reviews from significant marketplaces such as Amazon or eBay can undoubtedly be a lesson. These companies have somehow based their success on customer experience, as demonstrated by their reviews.

Now that you know its benefits, what are you waiting for to start collecting reviews on your product listings? You no longer have any excuses to be on the front line! 

Also Read : E-commerce Optimization: 7 Myths To Dispel Why It Doesn’t Sell

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How To Use CPR Indicator In Price Action Strategy? Wed, 27 Dec 2023 11:51:46 +0000 The CPR (Central Pivot Range) indicator is used by intraday traders to analyze price points

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The CPR (Central Pivot Range) indicator is used by intraday traders to analyze price points where they can set up their buy or sell positions. In a CPR in price action strategy, you have to analyze the price movements of stock over time. CPR helps you identify the price range in which stock can rise or fall.

You can understand this concept in detail by taking up the price action CPR course from Upsurge. club. In this article, you can learn the CPR indicator trading strategies along with an example.

CPR Indicator: Usage and Formula

CPR indicator is used in candlestick charts to identify the support or resistance levels. At the support level, the stock price touches its lowest level and after that, it will only rise. At the resistance level, the price of the stock touches its highest level and it will only fall after that.

The three pivot points in the CPR indicator are as follows:

Pivot Point (PP) = (High Price + Low Price + Close Price) / 3
Bottom Central Pivot Point (BC) = (High Price + Low Price) / 2
Top Central Pivot Point (TC) = (Pivot Point – BC) + Pivot Point

where you can use the last trading day’s high, low, and closing price of stock.

Example of CPR Indicator

For example, if XYZ stock’s last trading day’s high price is ₹100, the low price is ₹75 and the closing price is ₹88. Then, the three pivot points in the CPR indicator are:

Pivot Point (PP) = (100 + 75 + 88) / 3 = 87.66
Bottom Central Pivot Point (BC) = (100 + 75) / 2 = 87.5
Top Central Pivot Point (TC) = (87.66 – 87.5) + 87.66 = 87.82

Case 1: If today the stock opens at ₹89, then it is showing a bullish nature because it is trading above the TC level. You can consider buying this stock and the TC point will act as the support level.

Case 2: If today the stock opens at ₹87, then it is showing a bearish nature because it is trading below the BC level. You can sell the stock and the BC point will act as the resistance level.

3 Trading Strategies in CPR Indicator

Here are the three trading strategies that you should know about while using CPR in price action strategy.

1. Virgin CPR

In virgin CPR, the price of the stock does not cross the three CPR lines and has a 40% chance of not crossing. In this scenario, CPR can either become a strong support or a resistance level.

2. Prices Trading Between the CPR Points

If a stock is trading somewhere between the three CPR points, then the price can go sideways. If the gap between the top and bottom CPR is large, then you can buy the stock at the BC level and you can keep the selling target at the TC level.

3. Prices Trading Above TC or Below BC

If a stock is trading above the TC level, then it indicates a buying action and the TC line will act as a support level. On the other hand, if a stock is trading below the BC level, then it indicates a selling action and the BC will act as a resistance level.


CPR indicator will help you identify the price trend of the stock using three pivot points. It also helps you in setting up the support or resistance levels. If the price of the stock is above the TC, you can buy the stock and if it is below the BC, then you can sell the stock.

You can understand the CPR indicator and dig into its working by taking up the price action CPR course on Upsurge.

Also Read : A Comprehensive Guide to Market Capitalization of Cryptocurrencies

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Opening An Online Store Is All You Need To Consider Fri, 15 Dec 2023 14:28:40 +0000 Is opening an e-commerce simple? Can I open an online store without technical knowledge?  A

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Is opening an e-commerce simple?

Can I open an online store without technical knowledge? 

A real formula for success does not exist, but that for failure is very clear and is based on improvisation. Here are the technical aspects you need to consider when opening an e-commerce.

Selling products or services online with e-commerce may seem simple, but it differs from setting up any other business reality.

An e-commerce project must include a business plan because only correct analysis and planning can help keep the reins of online sales and be functional for planning the budget and timing.

The business plan is a preparatory document that describes the business project and must open with a summary of the project and then deal with these topics in detail:

  • the concept of the activity
  • the company description
  • the target
  • market analysis and competition analysis
  • the marketing strategy
  • the general organization of the company
  • financing
  • analysis of risks and possibilities

Only once this document has been developed can we proceed with a more technical analysis relating to the development of e-commerce. All this provided that you have arranged all the necessary bureaucratic aspects, such as opening a VAT number and communicating with the Revenue Agency.

Technical-strategic aspects for creating a site

When analyzing the technical aspects of e-commerce, the store itself must be considered. Depending on the type of online store (number of products or services in the catalogue, type of payment processing, any cumbersome additional features), you will have to make different decisions about different technical aspects.


Normally, e-commerce sites are published on .com domains, but purchasing is also advisable. This is necessary because if the second domain was purchased by someone else to put a similar or even different website online, a conflict could arise such that in searches on search engines, the traffic would be dispersed between the two sites. Users would need help understanding or recognizing a unique feature of your e-commerce. The domain can be purchased online or from hosting providers or CMS platforms to create e-commerce.


Upstream, in the technical analysis phase, it is necessary to find out about the best hosting plans to identify the one that will host your e-commerce. A good hosting service must provide at least a daily or weekly backup that is always available for possible restoration (the site could be hacked, tampered with, compromised, etc.). When choosing hosting, an e-commerce site should focus on dedicated servers. Shared hosting may work at first, but in the future, as the online store needs more resources (because the product catalogue, traffic, functionality, and complexity increase), switching to dedicated solutions is necessary. Finally, always evaluate the technical support offered, which must be quick and efficient, so prioritize those who offer 24-hour assistance all week and guarantee maximum response times.


The hosting service provider should guarantee a series of features for the site’s security. The first of these is the installation of an SSL certificate, which ensures that sensitive information provided by users (personal and payment data) remains confidential without being intercepted by third parties. In this way, the HTTP protocol will appear in the e-commerce URL, signalling to potential customers that it is a secure e-commerce.

Content creation

Successful e-commerce is able to offer users what they are looking for at the price they expect. The contents represent the true strength of an online store because the clearer, more precise, but also original they are, the more interesting the e-commerce will be in the eyes of users, sometimes even overcoming price barriers.

Technically, you need to consider various types of content when you decide to create an e-commerce site of this type:

“Static” page texts

In e-commerce, you must provide a Homepage, where boxes will mostly appear with references to the latest products inserted, a very short presentation text and updated social media feeds. An “About us” page is essential, where you must explain where your project comes from and a Contact page with headquarters, contact details, a map, and any physical stores.

“Dynamic” page texts

Even an e-commerce site can benefit from a “Blog” section because the frequent publication of content within the site makes it dynamic in the eyes of search engines. This means gaining positions in results. However, you must plan an editorial calendar and identify a resource to take care of it (calendar, editorial and publication).

Product sheet texts

Each product must be correlated with a technical data sheet, a general presentation, and all the details that make sense to include for certain products (nutritional ingredients for food, performance for technology products, safety certifications for children’s products, etc.).

Product images

Each product must have one or more photos that clearly show every detail. Therefore, they can be photos in lightboxes with a neutral white or black background or photo set (in their use context). The important thing is that they are of good quality while paying attention to their weight when uploading to the website.

Explanation video

Videos convert more than words and images, so you should plan to include in your budget the filming of videos explaining the products, in which they are shown in their functions and characteristics. You will need a storyboard, a camera person, a suitable logo, an explanation voice and a video editor.

Post-launch activities online

Once e-commerce is online, it will be brought to web users who do not know ​​its existence. To do this, it is necessary to invest time in creating organic content on social networks and money in Ads. The results that a strategy combining a purely organic online communication editorial calendar and a paid one can bring are superior to those you would slowly achieve without investing anything.

To improve your online positioning by ensuring that e-commerce gains positions in search engines, you can put three activities into practice.

Investments in Ads

After identifying the social networks best suited for your e-commerce, you must consider the investments you will make in campaigns aimed at reaching your target. In general, Facebook and Instagram are for the b2c sector and LinkedIn are for the b2b sector, but a lot depends on the product or service category.

With Ads, you can define a total monthly investment, which will allow you to reach a personalized audience with parameters that you can set based on your Buyer Personas, start one or more campaigns and monitor the results day by day. The same goes for Google, where you have to invest to increase traffic on your e-commerce, starting from searches made directly on search engines.


Doing SEO means many things, including optimizing e-commerce by inserting titles and descriptions for each page writing the texts of products and other pages with keywords that index them for those searches. The URLs of the pages must also be defined in a simplified way with the descriptive keywords of the page (they must contain the name of the product to be sold online and the reference category).

Link building

Always aimed at increasing traffic on your site, a link-building strategy involves planning articles on external portals with an e-commerce link. In practice, you identify sites with good domain authority, propose to them the publication of an article on a topic that concerns your products or services and insert one or more links within the text (in a natural, not merely promotional manner ) to a page of your e-commerce, preferably to another of your articles. In this way, e-commerce receives traffic from authoritative external sources and increases its value, which also depends on the coherence of the two topics.

Economic aspects: the costs of a site

Creating a site is only possible with an investment, and opening an online store necessarily requires an initial cost plan. This doesn’t mean that under tens of thousands of euros is not possible, but it’s not even imaginable to spend 200 euros and expect to become the new Amazon.

Here’s what you need to consider in terms of costs.

Technical costs

When you create e-commerce, you can certainly use free, open-source platforms, but at a certain point, investing in more complex features will inevitably be inevitable. For example, Prestashop is free, but to customize the site template or add features, you must purchase them on the official PrestaShop Addons marketplace. Once the platform has been chosen, purchasing the domain, i.e., the e-commerce address, either directly on the platform or through other providers, is necessary. We also consider each platform’s assistance and, therefore, the hosting costs, ranging from 50 euros for shared hosting to 1000+ euros for dedicated hosting.

Construction costs

The e-commerce content must be written from an SEO perspective, the images taken with professional photos in light boxes or in the studio must be set, and everything must be entered into data entries on the site. Each item has its cost, which is reduced if you have someone internally who will take care of these interventions, while if you have to outsource, you could involve two figures.

Graphics costs

If you want your e-commerce to have customized graphics, you will need a graphic designer and a developer. The first is to create the graphics files for the pages, and the second is to recreate them on the site, whether from the platform or in a personalized way with code. Costs increase in the second case because a custom site costs more than one based on an open-source CMS in which to purchase individual modules.

Advertising costs

The site must be promoted; therefore, you must include in the costs the monthly advertising budget, the channel management budget (if you entrust it to an external agency) and one-off advertising expenses such as sending DEMs to databases of external companies.

In Conclusion

The technical aspects of creating an e-commerce must be taken into consideration immediately. They must immediately be postponed until the initial budget is confirmed because they will represent an important cost item. Consider the choice carefully based on the business plan and the complexity of the online store.

Also Read : The 5 Most Profitable Online Store Ideas To Start In 2021

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E-commerce Optimization: 7 Myths To Dispel Why It Doesn’t Sell Mon, 11 Dec 2023 15:21:09 +0000 Have you made marketing choices dictated by hearsay? Are decisions on investments and activities for

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Have you made marketing choices dictated by hearsay?

Are decisions on investments and activities for your e-commerce the result of an analysis?

Marketing choices are often made, especially in the world of e-commerce, dictated by myths or hearsay that could limit the success of a project. On this occasion, we take seven myths related to marketing activities and try to dispel them to give you more significant earning potential. 

Earnings and profit are the only important performance indicators (KPIs).

In the early web era, marketers were obsessed with data that had weak or unclear correspondences to the actual market; this is because web marketing developed from groups made up of a single person, in which business decisions did not have to be explained to a committee by justifying parameters such as traffic or positioning.

When traditional businesses started using the internet and integrating web marketing within them, sellers had to relearn some things. Before long, word spread about justifying decisions based on expected revenue and earnings.

Unfortunately, the role of revenue and expected earnings has been emphasized so often that it obscures the importance of other key performance indicators. Profit and revenue are not the only parameters that indicate the success or otherwise of a company, even if they are certainly the most visible signs of the company’s health.

Here are other parameters to keep an eye on:

  • Conversion rate: What percentage of visitors purchased something? Think about how conversion rates change with aggregate traffic or repeat visitors. Pay attention to the impact of campaigns, landing pages, interactions per session, previous interactions and traffic sources on your conversion rates.
  • Channel Traffic:  This might seem like a relic from the early days of web marketing, but it’s still very important to track web traffic today. The difference between traffic and revenue allows us to draw significant conclusions, which we can only understand by paying attention to the traffic and its origin.
  • Long-term value of the asset:  How much revenue does one of your pages generate over its lifetime? Which pages always generate the same revenue, and which generate revenue that then tends to decrease? Without making projections of this kind, it is not possible to determine the long-term cost-effectiveness of developing landing pages.

‘People who come from social media don’t buy’

Most of us don’t use social media every day to research products, so it’s easy to dismiss social media as an inconvenient channel, especially when the investment doesn’t pay off right away.

However, it would be a mistake to consider social media a simple waste of energy. 26% of Facebook users who click on an ad buy something, and, according to Kleiner Perkins, in 2017, Facebook saw a 62% growth in annual advertising spending.

The benefits of social media are not limited to advertising. According to recent social media research from GetAmbassador, 71% of consumers who have a positive experience with a brand on social media will recommend that product to other users.

According to a study carried out by Monetate, conversion rates from social media are only 0.71%, compared to 1.95% for Google searches and 3.19% for emails. However, social media is also the largest source of recommendation traffic for most sites, providing 31.24% of traffic for a website.

Since social visitors are upstream in the chain, they also need to be nurtured the longest before making a purchase. However, this does not mean that they can simply be ignored.

A good social strategy allows us to obtain traffic from a very heterogeneous audience and, therefore, gain visibility in front of an audience that we would otherwise not be able to reach with our brand. This is an opportunity to create questions, not simply take advantage of them.

Social media marketing campaigns generate secondary effects. Getting the attention of influencers can give us more targeted traffic, which can result in greater visibility in search engines.

With the right idea, it is also possible to ensure that visitors from social media become part of our mailing list: in this way, there will be even more chances that they will turn into buyers in the future.

‘No one uses email anymore’

This is probably the most dangerous myth of all: email is an old technology, but it doesn’t mean no one uses it anymore.

Email is still the first communication tool people use to keep in touch. A post on social media doesn’t necessarily reach our followers on our account, let alone a commercial account. Messaging apps allow you to reach the recipient more directly, but commercial messages sent via these platforms, like emails, are only sometimes accepted.

In most cases, email is our only direct line to the consumer; consumers tend to accept this contact method. The owner of the email address will read most of the subjects of the various emails received, much more than what happens with social media advertisements. Social media has no inbox to check: either a post is seen, or it goes unnoticed!

Creating mailing lists is a fundamental activity for any digital marketing strategy. Without it, you risk sinking quickly.

‘All marketing takes place off my site.’

It is a serious mistake to think that everything we do on our site is “development” and what is done elsewhere is “promotion”, especially if we consider these two aspects separate activities in watertight compartments.

To be clear, I will state an obvious truth here: “Marketing is built into the product.”

Marketing is something that happens on our site. In fact, most well-known brands do as much marketing on their site as they do elsewhere, and there are many ways to approach this goal. For example:

  • Divide landing pages to maximize sales and conversion rates.
  • Develop next-generation assets, such as ebooks and other resources, to convince people to sign up for the mailing list.
  • Create landing pages specific to the phrases and words people use to search for our products and understand the intent of searchers to convert them into sales or leads.
  • Using authoritative blog content and latest-generation assets aimed at the right audience with the right keywords to create trust and a sense of reciprocity with our customers.
  • Develop an easy-to-navigate site that allows people to find exactly what they are looking for.
  • Improve our site’s shopping cart and checkout system to remove all the bottlenecks that lead users to abandon the cart.

These are just some of the ways your site can become an essential part of your marketing strategy. If you think you can launch your site on the market without making constant changes, then you only have half of a successful marketing strategy.

‘The goal of social media marketing is to go viral.’

This is a central myth in the way many e-commerce sites promote themselves, and it is the prejudice that most damage the reputation and implementation of social media marketing.

The reason is that all our metaphors are wrong. The most popular content on the web does not spread virally, as we believe, with friends and friends sharing part of the content.

Research by Sharad Goel and colleagues, who analyzed over a billion events on Twitter, concludes that content becomes popular on the web because it hits the “nodes of influence” of a network.

A piece of content doesn’t go viral because of some exponential reshare effect, but when a much smaller number of influential people share it with their audience.

According to a recent Twitter study, 20% of people surveyed said that a tweet from an influencer influences their decision to share or recommend a product. The number doubles when it comes to making a purchase:

Nearly 40% of Twitter users say they have purchased as a direct result of a Tweet from an influencer.

Luckily, another path leads to exponential growth, which, however, is not based on content sharing but hinges on audience retention.

If you lost 20% of your audience every time you posted content that got a 20% boost from social media, then there was no change. This is flat growth, almost zero. If you can maintain that full 20% of your audience every time you post something, then the result will be exponential growth.

Of course, there are limits to how long you can maintain similar growth, but this thought experiment will help you clarify your true priorities: reaching new audiences and retaining existing ones.

Assuming that social media is one of the worst places to reach your audience, this is a reminder to think of social media as a source of traffic to convert to mailing lists or some other audience with whom you have a relationship and more direct contact.

‘A good product sells itself.’

Belief in such a phrase is inversely proportional to the time spent on organizing a successful business.

This is an excuse for the lack of a marketing strategy. In this case, you are relying too much on the power of the internet to communicate ideas while at the same time ignoring the incredible amount of information people are exposed to every day.

As we saw before, things go viral differently than we think. Add the fact that conversion rates are usually meagre, and we’ll start to understand that even if news about our product goes viral by some kind of miracle, we risk burning out our audience in a day with no options once it runs out.

Come to think of it, even something as revolutionary as the iPhone required millions (if not billions) of marketing dollars. The truth is simple: no, products don’t sell themselves. Good products have positive reviews and stimulate word of mouth, but they are not a substitute for a marketing strategy. The vast majority of our potential audience will hear about us with a lot of effort on our part.

‘You need to reach as many people as possible’

Deep down, we all know that we are not looking for simple site traffic numbers. Despite this, marketing experts often have prejudices in this sense. This is why it is so important to ensure that there are rational reasons behind our choices. Getting a link from the New York Times can be very satisfying, but what are the chances that some readers will then become a buyer?

Being able to reach a general audience is not bad; it should be a part of a company’s marketing strategy, as this type of attention can positively impact our contact list, network effects and search engine indexing. The basis of a solid marketing strategy is always to connect supply and demand. Never forget it.

Also Read : Data Mining For eCommerce Site: Possible Solutions

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Tips To Tailor Your Marketing Toward Your Customers Thu, 07 Dec 2023 06:56:44 +0000 Although you might already have successful marketing schemes in place when it comes to your

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Although you might already have successful marketing schemes in place when it comes to your business, you may find that you are able to gain even more success from your campaigns if you are able to tailor these toward your customers.

However, if you believe that this is above your knowledge and experience, here are some of the steps that you may be able to take to get started.

Use Customer Analytics Software

Rather than trying to tailor your marketing toward your customers manually, you should instead consider using customer analytics software. This software will help you to get a better idea of who your customers—are and their behavior. You will then be able to adapt your marketing strategy in a way that will make the most of your resources and ensure that you are able to harness a greater number of leads.

This means that you should look around now for companies that provide great customer insights analytics. This can help you to make progress and to further refine your marketing schemes, even if they are currently working well enough.

Think About Your Tone

When you want to engage customers and ensure that they believe that your business is for them, you need to think carefully about the tone of your brand voice across platforms. For instance, a professional and formal tone might appeal to business owners, who might see your company as reliable and knowledgeable. However, if you are trying to appeal to young people, you might opt for a friendlier and more casual tone that can help your customers see behind your company’s façade and form a loyal connection with your brand.

By doing this, your customers will feel as if you are speaking directly to them and will be able to get to know your start-up—and you.

Create Custom Marketing Schemes

You should also try and customize your marketing strategy for each of your customers. Although you might believe that this is too large a venture, it is possible to adapt your marketing for each individual person who shops with you. For instance, you should consider addressing each email directly to the names on your mailing list, and you should try and send out only material that is related to previous purchases and similar products. This will make sure that your attempts at marketing are not ignored and that you are more likely to strike gold when it comes to generating leads.

Use Social Media

To tailor your marketing toward your customers, you should also spend more time on social media. When you are on social media, you should consider connecting with and talking to your customers directly on social platforms through comments and direct messages. You should also try to follow the trends that your customer demographic might be engaging with, and create interactive content, such as quick questions, that your customers can respond to.

Developing a tailored marketing campaign for your customers can be difficult. However, you will be able to do this by putting a lot of time and energy into creating vibrant and clear copy, by customizing your content, and by downloading customer analytics software.

Also Read : Marketing On LinkedIn, or How To Get Customers From This Platform?

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Intraday Trading Strategies: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners Fri, 24 Nov 2023 17:54:30 +0000 Day trading or intraday trading is a popular investment strategy where investors aim to take

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Day trading or intraday trading is a popular investment strategy where investors aim to take advantage of short-term price movements in the stock market. The idea is to buy and sell financial assets within the same day to make profit. However, day trading can be challenging and risky if you don’t have effective strategies. In this article, we will explore some useful intraday trading strategies to enhance your day trading skills and make smarter trading choices.

Best Intraday Trading Strategies

Day trading is all about getting the right timing and understanding the market. A solid intraday trading plan comes together through analysing the technical aspects, applying what you’ve learned in real situations, using indicators and managing risks wisely.

With consistent practice, you can become skilled at day trading. It’s important to protect yourself from potential losses by setting stop-loss limits when you engage in day trading. Discovering a trading style that fits your needs and personality is crucial for long-term success. Below is a collection of successful intraday trading strategies that have proven effective in the Indian market.

1. Moving Average Crossover Strategy

  • A moving average crossover occurs when two different lines representing moving averages intersect. This is a tool in technical analysis that helps you know when to enter or exit a trade.
  • Moving averages are not instantaneous and may lag. The crossover method might not catch the exact high and low points. However, it can still be useful in recognising the main part of a trend.
  • If the moving averages cross each other, it could indicate that the trend is likely to change soon, giving you an opportunity for a better entry point.
  • It’s important to note that while crossover systems work well in volatile or trending markets, they are not as effective in a sideways or ranging market.

2. Momentum Trading Strategy

  • The momentum strategy in intraday trading is all about riding the wave of market momentum. The idea is to identify stocks that are likely to experience significant changes in the market trend and take advantage of those shifts. This makes it one of the most effective intraday strategies.
  • Traders use this strategy to buy or sell stocks based on these changing trends. The selection of stocks is influenced by the latest news, announcements of takeovers, quarterly earnings reports and other relevant factors.
  • Intraday traders need to stay updated on such news related to the stocks on their watchlist and execute buying or selling orders accordingly. Since stock prices can change rapidly due to various external factors, intraday traders must make swift decisions to capitalise on potential returns.
  • The duration for which traders hold onto the shares is determined by the ongoing momentum in the market. In essence, the momentum strategy involves aligning your trades with the prevailing market trends to maximise potential gains.

3. Breakout Trading Strategy

  • In the world of intraday trading, perfect timing is key when buying and selling securities within the same day. The top intraday trading strategy involves identifying stocks that have broken free from their usual trading range.
  • Another approach is to pinpoint stocks entering a new price range. In simpler terms, traders need to recognise specific points where stock prices either go up or down significantly. If the stock prices go above this point, intraday traders see it as an opportunity to go long and buy shares.
  • Conversely, if the stock prices drop below this point, it signals a chance for traders to go short or sell shares. The core concept behind this strategy is that once share prices cross these critical points, the trend is expected to continue, and at the same time, volatility is likely to increase.

4. Scalping Strategy

  • The scalping strategy in trading focuses on making profits from tiny price movements. This technique is frequently employed by intraday traders involved in buying and selling commodities. Additionally, it is commonly used by those who engage in high-frequency trading.
  • It’s important to note that in this strategy, the basic or technical setup doesn’t matter much. Instead, the emphasis is on closely observing the price movements.
  • For those adopting this intraday trading approach, it’s crucial to select stocks that are both liquid and prone to volatility. Additionally, implementing a stop loss for all orders is essential to manage risks effectively.

5. Gap and Go Strategy

  • The Gap-and-go strategy, often considered the top pick for intraday trading, revolves around spotting stocks that lack pre-market activity. This strategy hinges on the opening price of these stocks, creating a gap between the closing price of the previous day.
  • When a stock opens at a higher price than the previous day’s closing price, it’s termed a gap up. Conversely, if it opens lower, it’s called a gap down. Intraday traders employing this strategy seek out and purchase such stocks, anticipating that the gap will narrow before the trading day concludes.


The tax on intraday trading is a crucial factor that investors need to consider while evaluating the overall profitability of their trading activities. When it comes to intraday trading, there are different approaches to earn returns. It’s important to fully grasp a chosen day trading strategy before putting it into practice for financial gains. Also, it’s important for individuals to keep up with the latest stock market news and track market trends to make the right decisions at the right moment.

Also Read : Can You Have Multiple Trading Accounts In India?

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