Customer Experience Archives - Stuff In Post Everything About Technology Tue, 12 Mar 2024 14:17:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Customer Experience Archives - Stuff In Post 32 32 Tools To Improve Customer Experience Or User Experience Tue, 24 Mar 2020 12:09:04 +0000 One of the main objectives of brands, with the appearance of new digital tools and

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One of the main objectives of brands, with the appearance of new digital tools and Web 2.0, where customers and sellers do not interact directly, is to connect with the user and guarantee their shopping experience, even if it was online. It is for this reason that lately, the Customer Experience is on the lips of all professionals dedicated to the e-Commerce sector, who are looking for new strategies to improve the user experience, and at the same time, increase the efficiency of the company. Usually, one of the most frequently asked questions by companies is, how can you improve the user experience? Here we show you a series of tools for Customer Experience.

Tools To Enhance The User Experience

1. Improve The Mobile Experience

More and more customers are using their mobile phones to connect to the internet, whether it is to search, buy online, or share documents in the cloud. Until the advent of smartphones, websites were designed to be navigated through a larger computer screen, rather than on small screens. This has meant a rethinking of website developers since they now have to take into account a new factor when creating sites, the Responsive Web.

That a page has a Responsive Web means that it can be adapted to any screen, be it a computer, tablets, or mobile, in this way the content will always be seen correctly and without being deformed, on any of these devices. However, sometimes the Responsive system doesn’t quite work well depending on the site, and many companies opt for customer service platforms that have very specific mobile support capabilities. 

2. Have Online Chats

Many websites have an online chat as a customer service assistant, in this way, they provide security to the user since they have someone to contact in case they have doubts or problems while browsing the web.

The evolution of these chats will undoubtedly be chatbots, a trend for 2018 that will undoubtedly give much to talk about. These chatbots are a computer program with which it is possible to have a conversation, whether we want to ask you for some information or to carry out an action. Their main objective is that they function as an assistant to the client in an automated way and that they can answer any question that may arise to the user.

3. Provide Self-Service Resources

When we talk about self-service resources, we refer to any support information so that customers can find answers to all the questions that may arise. The most used format is the FAQ section that we usually see in the footer of websites, known as Frequently Asked Questions.

However, caution should be exercised when using these resources, since if the information is incomplete, confusing, or does not answer the questions adequately, instead of generating a good experience, it will generate a bad experience for customers and, as a result, a bad image towards the company.

One key to producing self-service resources that enhance the customer experience is effective knowledge management. Many customer service platforms offer this functionality and enable companies to turn these resources into effective tools to improve the experience.

4. Have Customer Service On Social Media

Social networks have become a medium where we share experiences with friends, family, and acquaintances, but where companies also publish content and information about their products and services and interact directly with customers.

The problem is that sometimes companies don’t have enough resources and tools to monitor the conversations that take place on social media. For this reason, a company’s services department needs to oversee such conversations to find customers who need help.

The best solution to improve the monitoring of conversations is with customer service platforms that have a support application for social networks, thus avoiding manual labor.

Some social media support applications can monitor channels for complaints and automatically convert the text into a ticket. This ticket is then sent to an agent’s customer queue, and once resolved, it is closed.

5. Offer Omnichannel Customer Support

Offering different routes or channels to clients so that they can present their doubts or opinions is one way of assuring them that the agents will receive them and that they will get a response.

To improve the customer experience using this type of care, we must be clear that customers should be allowed to contact the same company several times and through different channels. In addition to allowing the conversation to continue where it was left.

But to be able to offer this type of help, you must have a centralized client management platform. In addition, it offers benefits beyond the customer experience, as it also makes the workflow of the agents in service more efficient.

Also Read : Surefire Marketing Tips For Veterinary Merchants To Boost Revenue In Their Practice

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The Future Of Customer Experience With Artificial Intelligence Fri, 13 Mar 2020 13:22:35 +0000 Artificial Intelligence,during the last few years, we have been able to appreciate how companies have

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Artificial Intelligence,during the last few years, we have been able to appreciate how companies have focused their growth and sales focus, positioning the user at the center of their business. The new generations, native to the digital world, have changed the paradigm of how society moves and, consequently, consumption habits. That is why a hype has been created around a concept that seems to save companies from all the risks posed by this new market: Artificial Intelligence, but is this true? How does Artificial Intelligence affect Customer Experience?

It is proposed to give a vision of the state of Artificial Intelligence from the perspectives of the market need, the solutions that are beginning to be proposed, and the reality of Artificial Intelligence in Customer Experience today. Let’s start!

Why Customer Experience Needs Artificial Intelligence

We live in reality disrupted by the glass of digitization; proof of this is that users spend part of their time living in the digital world. 85% of people have the Internet, and we spend an average of 3 hours a day interacting with social networks.

This has become a highly valuable showcase for brand seeking to see how they can enrich the experience of these “virtual users” through digital experiences or Customer Experience.

The Internet has become a vast sea for companies where they can impact a large number of potential customers. At the same time, it is also a massive sea for users where they can find and choose the product that interests them most. It seems complicated, doesn’t it?

The Internet is a sea where to impact, and it is. This has generated high competition in the brands that are struggling to be able to offer the lowest prices and adjust their internal costs in order to bear the impact.

To make matters worse, there is a disruptive factor that is due to digital-native companies. These have the advantage of complete digitalization of their processes and have built large companies that have entered into a race to digitalize themselves as much as possible and be competitive. Nothing new under the sun.

Examples Of AI In Customer Experience

One of the values ​​of Amazon is its customer service and the treatment in search of user loyalty. Nowadays, people expect the least complication when they have to make a purchase.

Netflix prioritizes the development of service customization algorithms so that when we enter its platform, we have a feeling of happiness to see that it is recommending series that we want to see at that time.

On the other hand, we have Glovo, which focuses on the immediacy of product delivery and the convenience of being able to order whatever we want without having to waste time and effort on the move.

All of them propose new business models that adapt to a generation that seeks trust, comfort, and immediacy above the classic brand and quality values. The use of Artificial Intelligence in processes related to Customer Experience allows us to develop processes that we had never imagined.

How To Introduce Artificial Intelligence In The Company?

The million-dollar question is how to make the most traditional companies catch up to avoid dying in the attempt of digitization and get to apply Artificial Intelligence and thus focus on Customer Experience.

For this, we must understand the structure of a large company with a large number of employees and distributed in multiple departments with different objectives to meet throughout the year.

For example, an extensive product sales company will have e-commerce, a warehouse, a back-office service to replenish stock, a marketing department, a customer service department, and a CRM.

Departments And Areas Of Action With In A Company

Until recently, these areas were not oriented in the same business direction and provided a distorted view of how the company was operating. However, all these departments are activated when it comes to a sale and must be coordinated to guide the company towards its growth and development.

Coordinating them is one of the companies’ priorities, and they have led them into a cycle of technological development that is sustained on four legs. These allow them to make improvements in their processes and gradually implement digitization.

Implement Technology In A Company

This begins with the first stage of Innovation and Design that allows us to understand where we are and what we are looking for both in the short and long term. The plan will be reflected and defined in a roadmap where all the actions and processes to carry out will be. Once analyzed, it is implemented with a team that has knowledge of the digital field and about the tools that best suit our business.

Finally, and to understand the next steps in innovation that we must take, it is necessary to analyze how the established process is working and whether it needs improvement.

Thanks to these processes, companies will be able to refocus their efforts on what matters and what should be at the center of their business: the users and, therefore, the Customer Experience. Is Artificial Intelligence the way to do it? It is undoubtedly a tool that we must use.

It is here where technologies enter that little by little will shape a scenario where Artificial Intelligence can gain more and more weight and give value to our companies. But that, in the next chapter!

Also Read : Artificial Intelligence And Autonomous Cars. A real Threat To Humans?

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